söndag 31 juli 2011

Valhajen: Havets fredliga jätte

Valhajen har länge lockat turister till Ningaloo Reef i västra Australien, där man kan simma tillsammans med den vänliga jätten, när den i mars till juni befinner sig i området för att leta efter föda.

Det är dock fortfarande mycket som forskarna ännu inte vet om havets största fisk, men med en så kallad critter cam har marinbiologen Brad Norman och hans forskarlag samlat in information om valhajen och dess interaktion med ekoturisterna för att på så sätt bli klokare på detta djur.
Tryck på linken ,föratt se filmen

OBS: Om linken är ej aktiv , kopera linken och klistra den i er webläsare , då kan ni ditta på filmen

torsdag 28 juli 2011

Den här människan kallar jag för människa , eftersom hon delar sin milk både med barnnen och djuren . Hon ser varken ras eller färg , hon ser bara en sak , och det är ju allas lika värde. Länge leva denna älaskvärda männikan.

måndag 25 juli 2011

Här är nyheterna i uppdaterade Gmail

Google har de senaste veckorna fått stor uppmärksamhet kring det nya sociala nätverket, Google+. Google har dock passa på att införa en rad nyheter i Gmail i samband med testkörningen av Google+.

Här följer en beskrivning av nyheterna som tillkommit i Gmail de senaste veckorna:

– Nya funktioner för gruppsamtal med Google Voice gör det möjligt att hantera flera samtal samtidigt. Dessutom går det nu att parkera samtal. Google Voice är än så länge endast tillgängligt i USA och det är osäkert när tjänsten kommer till Sverige.

Du har nu möjligheten att enkelt testa olika typer brevlådor för att sortera inkommande e-postmeddelanden efter bland annat olästa, viktiga och prioriterade meddelanden. Du kan även skapa din egen brevlåda baserat på egna regler.

– Det går nu att granska innehållet i arkivfiler som zip och rar utan att du behöver ladda ned filerna först. Det går även att ladda ned enstaka filer från ett zip eller rar-arkiv.

– Gmail visar nu mer information om avsändaren av ett e-postmeddelande. Du får även information om ett e-postmeddelande kommer från en mejlinglista. Tanken är att det ska bli enklare att upptäcka eventuella nätfiskeattacker.

– Det går nu att dela med sig av dokument på Google Apps med hjälp av Androidappen för Gmail.

lördag 23 juli 2011

The Norwegian tragedy confirms our call to fight the far-Right of any version

Our hearts go out to the nearly 100 people, many of them youth, killed by the far-right gunman, Anders Behring Breivik.

It is said he will 'explain' why he did what he did on Monday.

But there can be no explanation or justification for mass murder.

For those who constantly 'advise' me and us to work with all sorts against Sharia law and Islamism, this tragedy is a confirmation of why we must stand resolutely against both.

You cannot fight Islamism, a far-right regressive movement, without also fighting the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and fascist European far-Right.

They are two sides of the same coin.

They represent everything our world must not become...
Maryam Namazie

onsdag 13 juli 2011

Web proxy add-on Cocoon goes free

There aren't many security-focused browser add-ons that funnel the entire Internet through a proxy before allowing it to reach you, and that rarity was part of the reason Cocoon was one of a small group of add-ons that charged for its services. Starting today, however, the makers of Cocoon (download) have exclusively told CNET that the add-on will be completely free--for now.

Privacy add-on Cocoon is now free to use.
(Credit: Screenshot by Seth Rosenblatt/CNET)

The add-on, which appears as a toolbar in Firefox, creates a protected browsing state. When active, all interactions between the Internet and the computer you're using are forced to occur over protected SSL connections to Cocoon's servers. Those servers are guarded by Security-Enhanced Linux, which was developed by the United States' National Security Agency. So Cocoon provides a significantly enhanced level of browsing peace of mind when compared with basic browsing.

Cocoon has been installed more than 10,000 times, said its makers, the Santa Barbara, Calif.-based start-up Virtual World Computing. Adoption rates definitely figured into the calculus when deciding to make the add-on free. "We wanted to grow Cocoon and improve it. We've been able to increase the speed of the service; it's actually faster than it was before," said Kris Washburn, vice president of marketing for Virtual World Computing, in a phone interview last week. It's the growth rate, though, that led to the company making Cocoon free.

In an interview at CNET's San Francisco offices in April of this year, Cocoon Chief Executive Officer and co-founder Jeff Bermant said that about 4,000 people had installed the add-on since it entered into a public beta at the beginning of 2011. Since then, another 6,000 people have signed on, but Cocoon wants significantly more users than that. "We want to improve the whole user experience," Bermant said, and it was clear from his tone that the subscription fee was impeding that.

More about how Cocoon works
• Wrap Firefox in a Cocoon of privacy

Going forward, Bermant said his company is looking at several options for keeping Cocoon in the black. "We're considering premium features down the road, and an enterprise model." Free users, he noted, will always have their privacy, and he assured CNET that there will be "no tracking of any users online within Cocoon."

In addition to the current Web proxy and on-demand e-mail "mailslots" for quick e-mail anonymization, Cocoon is looking to protect downloads. "Currently, one of the advantages of Cocoon is blocking unwanted downloads," Bermant said. "The reality is that people still want to download things. So, we will be introducing in the near future antivirus scanning of downloads."

He confirmed that the antivirus engine would be provided by a third party, as opposed to being developed in-house, although he wouldn't reveal which company would be licensing its technology to Cocoon at the moment.

Cocoon for Internet Explorer has been in the works since the spring, although the company would only confirm that it would be available "soon." Washburn said a version of Cocoon for the Android edition of Firefox is "a little further down the line."

Bermant says he believes Cocoon is on the right side of history, both in terms of what the technology powering the add-on is and how Cocoon implements it. "The future of VWC and Cocoon on the whole is that we're filtering from above, and that's what I see the world should go to," he said. "Somebody said to me, 'Oh, you'll have terrible latency problems [when browsing],' but in fact we don't. We have no latency problems."

Seth peers into the deep, dark corners of software so that you don't have to. He has yet to suffer a single nightmare about OS/2.

söndag 10 juli 2011

Vad är materia?

Vad är materia, och hur mycket vet vi om den? Hör och se professor Russell Stannard ge en snabbföreläsning om materia.